The pin in the pebble puzzle will be the next full SD puzzle designed by myself. Still in development It is themed on the Legend of the Sword in the Stone. The puzzle itself is a prototype Merlin made before the better-known legend.  It has its roots in a design of a small puzzle designed by Mike Quigly, over the years the design has grown and grown into the puzzle you see now. It has become quite the journey with many stages to solve, filled with surprises that should elate any puzzler who dares take on the quest to become King.

With my design process, I always try to keep the solver’s experience at the forefront of my mind.  Puzzle solving is an experience and I want to create the best one I can from the puzzles I make. I am close to completing this puzzle and hopefully soon I can get it into people’s hands. It has a vast number of elements required to come together from a wide variety of materials and processes to bring this design to life, so please do bear with me. Hopefully, it will be worth the wait.