Welcome to my website PD Puzzles. I am Lewis Evans, up to this point making prototypes has been my profession. Working for industrial engineers and designers for close to 20 years has given me a unique skill set for crafting and production, utilizing high-end 3d Printing and resin casting techniques. It’s these processes I bring to puzzle production and design, whether that be my own designs, or collaborations and commissions.

I’ve loved mechanical puzzles since I found them. I enjoy solving them however I enjoy designing and making them infinitely more. Not just the physical object for me they are an experience enjoyed by the solver. For any puzzle I produce I always try to remember the little things, overall quality is important, however, I try to pay attention to the aesthetics, the feel, and ultimately the final satisfaction for the solver as much as I can. Making puzzles provides me a platform to constantly improve as a craftsman, learning new techniques to hopefully surprise and entertain.  With my experience casting in resin, I hope to elevate “plastic” puzzles to something that can have a pride of place on any display shelf, after putting a big smile on the solver’s face of course.